76 research outputs found

    Enabling multi-level relevance feedback on PubMed by integrating rank learning into DBMS

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    Background: Finding relevant articles from PubMed is challenging because it is hard to express the user's specific intention in the given query interface, and a keyword query typically retrieves a large number of results. Researchers have applied machine learning techniques to find relevant articles by ranking the articles according to the learned relevance function. However, the process of learning and ranking is usually done offline without integrated with the keyword queries, and the users have to provide a large amount of training documents to get a reasonable learning accuracy. This paper proposes a novel multi-level relevance feedback system for PubMed, called RefMed, which supports both ad-hoc keyword queries and a multi-level relevance feedback in real time on PubMed. Results: RefMed supports a multi-level relevance feedback by using the RankSVM as the learning method, and thus it achieves higher accuracy with less feedback. RefMed "tightly" integrates the RankSVM into RDBMS to support both keyword queries and the multi-level relevance feedback in real time; the tight coupling of the RankSVM and DBMS substantially improves the processing time. An efficient parameter selection method for the RankSVM is also proposed, which tunes the RankSVM parameter without performing validation. Thereby, RefMed achieves a high learning accuracy in real time without performing a validation process. RefMed is accessible at http://dm.postech.ac.kr/refmed. Conclusions: RefMed is the first multi-level relevance feedback system for PubMed, which achieves a high accuracy with less feedback. It effectively learns an accurate relevance function from the user's feedback and efficiently processes the function to return relevant articles in real time.1114Nsciescopu

    Robust ordinal regression in preference learning and ranking

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    Multiple Criteria Decision Aiding (MCDA) offers a diversity of approaches designed for providing the decision maker (DM) with a recommendation concerning a set of alternatives (items, actions) evaluated from multiple points of view, called criteria. This paper aims at drawing attention of the Machine Learning (ML) community upon recent advances in a representative MCDA methodology, called Robust Ordinal Regression (ROR). ROR learns by examples in order to rank a set of alternatives, thus considering a similar problem as Preference Learning (ML-PL) does. However, ROR implements the interactive preference construction paradigm, which should be perceived as a mutual learning of the model and the DM. The paper clarifies the specific interpretation of the concept of preference learning adopted in ROR and MCDA, comparing it to the usual concept of preference learning considered within ML. This comparison concerns a structure of the considered problem, types of admitted preference information, a character of the employed preference models, ways of exploiting them, and techniques to arrive at a final ranking

    On caption bias in interleaving experiments

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    Information retrieval evaluation most often involves manually assessing the relevance of particular query-document pairs. In cases where this is difficult (such as personalized search), interleaved comparison methods are becoming increasingly common. These methods compare pairs of ranking functions based on user clicks on search results, thus better reflecting true user preferences. However, by depending on clicks, there is a potential for bias. For example, users have been previously shown to be more likely to click on results with attractive titles and snippets. An interleaving evaluation where one ranker tends to generate results that attract more clicks (without being more relevant) may thus be biased. We present an approach for detecting and compensating for this type of bias in interleaving evaluations. Introducing a new model of caption bias, we propose features that model bias based on (1) per-document effects, and (2) the (pairwise) relationships between a document and surrounding documents. We show that our model can effectively capture click behavior, with best results achieved by a model that combines both per-document and pairwise features. Applying this model to re-weight observed user clicks, we find a small overall effect on real interleaving comparisons, but also identify a case where initially detected preferences vanish after caption bias re-weighting is applied. Our results indicate that our model of caption bias is effective and can successfully identify interleaving experiments affected by caption bias

    Beliefs and Biases in Web Search

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    Peopleā€™s beliefs, and unconscious biases that arise from those beliefs, influence their judgment, decision making, and actions, as is commonly accepted among psychologists. Biases can be observed in information retrieval in situations where searchers seek or are presented with information that significantly deviates from the truth. There is little understanding of the impact of such biases in search. In this paper we study search-related biases via multiple probes: an exploratory retrospective survey, human labeling of the captions and results returned by a Web search engine, and a largescale log analysis of search behavior on that engine. Targeting yesno questions in the critical domain of health search, we show that Web searchers exhibit their own biases and are also subject to bias from the search engine. We clearly observe searchers favoring positive information over negative and more than expected given base rates based on consensus answers from physicians. We also show that search engines strongly favor a particular, usually positive, perspective, irrespective of the truth. Importantly, we show that these biases can be counterproductive and affect search outcomes; in our study, around half of the answers that searchers settled on were actually incorrect. Our findings have implications for search engine design, including the development of ranking algorithms that consider the desire to satisfy searchers (by validating their beliefs) and providing accurate answers and properly considering base rates. Incorporating likelihood information into search is particularly important for consequential tasks, such as those with a medical focus

    Predicting Search Satisfaction Metrics with Interleaved Comparisons

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    The gold standard for online retrieval evaluation is AB testing. Rooted in the idea of a controlled experiment, AB tests compare the performance of an experimental system (treatment) on one sample of the user population, to that of a baseline system (control) on another sample. Given an online evaluation metric that accurately reflects user satisfaction, these tests enjoy high validity. However, due to the high variance across users, these comparisons often have low sensitivity, requiring millions of queries to detect statistically significant differences between systems. Interleaving is an alternative online evaluation approach, where each user is presented with a combination of results from both the control and treatment systems. Compared to AB tests, interleaving has been shown to be substantially more sensitive. However, interleaving methods have so far focused on user clicks only, and lack support for more sophisticated user satisfaction metrics as used in AB testing. In this paper we present the first method for integrating user satisfaction metrics with interleaving. We show how interleaving can be extended to (1) directly match user signals and parameters of AB metrics, and (2) how parameterized interleaving credit functions can be automatically calibrated to predict AB outcomes. We also develop a new method for estimating the relative sensitivity of interleaving and AB metrics, and show that our interleaving credit functions improve agreement with AB metrics without sacrificing sensitivity. Our results, using 38 large-scale online experiments en- compassing over 3 billion clicks in a web search setting, demonstrate up to a 22% improvement in agreement with AB metrics (constituting over a 50% error reduction), while maintaining sensitivity of one to two orders of magnitude above the AB tests. This paves the way towards more sensitive and accurate online evaluation
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